Since the first Great Fair of 1851, World Expos have continued to be one of the largest and most enduring global mega-events. Lasting six months attracting 25 million visits with 70% of which from overseas to explore and discover pavilions, exhibits and cultural events staged by hundreds of participants including nations, international organizations and businesses, under the theme of Connecting Minds, Creating the Future, Echoing the Powerful Spirit of Partnership and Co-operation.
The largest trade show on earth, 438-hectare EXPO2020 will have an enormous impact on emirate’s economic growth, gaining Dubai significant economic, cultural, technical and promotional benefits. Continuation of infrastructure improvements with over AED 100 billion in revenue, this event will witness more than 80 million visitors, hundreds of thousands hotel accommodation rooms in addition to the creation of more than 200,000 jobs between 2013 and 2021, which will significantly boosts Dubai market, jobs, salaries, property prices, tourist influx & amp; construction sector.
The hotel apartment market will be a shortage of rooms to accommodate a target of 20 million tourists per year who will have to stay somewhere, even with all the new hotels being built. So this new investing concept should bring about a good return from rent and capital appreciation to the property developers and investors.
أكبر معرض تجاري على الأرض، على 438 هكتار، وEXPO2020 له تأثير هائل على النمو الاقتصادي الإمارة، والحصول على منافع اقتصادية والثقافية والفنية والترويجية هامة دبي. استمرار تحسين البنية التحتية مع أكثر من 100 مليار درهم في الإيرادات، وهذا الحدث سوف تشهد أكثر من 80 مليون زائر، ومئات الآلاف من غرف الإقامة فندق بالإضافة إلى إنشاء أكثر من 200،000 فرصة عمل بين عامي 2013 و 2021 والتي سوف يعزز بشكل كبير سوق دبي، وفرص العمل والمرتبات، وأسعار العقارات، تدفق السياح وقطاع البناء والتشييد